About Us
MONSTER VOICES emerged when the two of us (George Chenery and Claire Shenstone-Harris) began looking for more ways to have fun amidst pandemic lockdown boredom in Toronto, Canada. We downloaded an unfamiliar cartoon, muted it, and made up our own voices and lines for the characters. We realized the fun of it was not what they said, but rather the absurdity and hilarity of creating voices and personalities. We took this grain of an idea and turned it into a game. At first we collected all sorts of monsters from Google Images, and used quotes from TV shows, movies and our own conversations. Then our friend Sean Ward entered the picture. His hand-drawn monsters became the backbone of our game.
About the Monsters
Sean Ward had drawn a collection of hundreds of monsters in the hospital when his newborn daughter was recovering from a rare liver surgery she received at six weeks old. You can read more about the origin of MONSTERZ on his website and Instagram @monsterzofficial.